English Heritage

Services rendered — Creative, Art Direction

English Heritage is a charity that manages over 400 historic monuments, buildings and places. These include prehistoric sites, medieval castles, Roman forts, and country houses. The charity states that it uses these properties to "bring the story of England to life for over 10 million people each year". I love English Heritage sites and visit them often. From a brand POV, the visual language is fairly iconic and hasn’t changed since the EH inception in 1983 as the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England. I saw some opportunities for a redesign (below).

Existing EH logo.

Logo rationale - The “mark” part of the logo, is the shape of a castle as a nod to English Heritages 66 castles in its portfolio and its initials “E”, and “H".

Wordmark - The “wordmark” part of the logo, is typeset in the font “Barlow”. I chose this font as it’s a sans serif that feels modern while retaining a heritage style.



This is the brand's tagline. All H1 and H2 type is set in Room 205 font by Simon Walker. I chose this serif font as it contrasts the “wordmark” font aesthetically and has a heritage feel.

Path asset

Shape asset

Both the path and the shape assets are made up of the “logo mark” referenced above. The path asset compliments the brand's tagline (below) “Find A Path Through History” and can be used in the brand design to visually compliment the tagline as it resembles a footpath.

The Shape asset is a radial variation of five “logo marks”. It creates a device that holds predominantly imagery and also acts as a secondary logo or brand mark, which can be used to create visual intrigue within the brand design.

Colour palette

Brand design treatments.

Iphone 15 mockups.